Pope Benedict should embrace evolution and call for Catholics to reject intelligent design.
Kenneth Miller
Advocates of American-style "intelligent design" (ID) have had a tough year. Their anti-evolution arguments have been soundly rejected by the scientific community, they lost spectacularly in a highly-publicised federal trial on the issue of ID in schools, and most recently the voters in Kansas rejected ID school board candidates in a statewide election. So they may surely be forgiven for hoping that Pope Benedict's discussions on evolution this month with his former students could bring some rare good news.
Indeed, Seattle's Discovery Institute, which orchestrated a prominent cardinal's pro-ID op-ed piece in the New York Times last year, is abuzz with speculation that the Catholic Church is about to take an ID-friendly position rejecting Darwinian evolution. I won't venture a prediction on what the Holy Father will ultimately decide, but it should be pointed out that the Church's real problems are not with evolution itself, but with nihilistic philosophies that enlist evolution to claim that existence is without meaning or purpose. Such claims are rightly regarded as antithetical to Christian values - but they also go well beyond evolutionary science itself.
昨年、著名な枢機卿のインテリジェントデザインを支持する署名記事をNew York Timesに載せたシアトルのDiscoery Instituteは、カトリックがダーウィンの進化論を拒絶して、インテリジェントデザインに友好的な立場をとろうとしているという推測で騒然としている。私は教皇が最終的にどんな決定をするのか予測するつもりはない。しかし、教会の問題が進化論そのものではなく、存在に意味や目的がないと主張するために進化論を持ち出す虚無主義哲学であることを指摘しなければならない。そのような主張はキリスト教の価値観と相容れないと正しく見なされる。しかし、そのような主張は進化科学自体をも超えてしまっている。
The most effective way to address these anti-religious views wouldn't be to throw the baby out with the bathwater by rejecting evolution, as ID would have us do, but to break the false connection between these philosophies and evolution itself. The notion that evolution deprives human life of meaning and robs us of our special place in the cosmos is simply not true.
What modern science actually tells us is that we live in a remarkable and dynamic universe, in which the genuine miracle is its remarkable embrace of life and change. We find ourselves in the midst of a continuing creation, in which the physical properties of matter itself drive the formation of new stars and galaxies, and make possible the emergence and evolution of life in all its splendor.
Ultimately, evolution's analysis of life and its history reinforces, rather than undermines, the lessons of Scripture, which tell us that we were formed out of the dust of the earth. We were indeed.
Just two years ago, the Vatican's International Theological Commission, under the direction of then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, pondered evolution and its implications for the faith. While their report was uncompromising on the place of God in our lives, it made a telling point with respect to the issue of evolution, one that the advocates of ID would do well to keep in mind. Citing St Thomas Aquinas, they wrote:
ちょうと2年前、当時のJoseph Ratzinger枢機卿の指示によるバチカンのInternational Theological Commissionは、進化論とその信仰に対する意味を考えた。彼らの報告は、我々の生命において神の場で妥協することないとともに、進化論の問題について効果的な主張を証明した。これは、うまくやりたいインテリジェントデザイン支持者が心に留めるべきものだ。聖トーマス・アキナスを引用して彼らはつぎのように書いた:
"But it is important to note that, according to the Catholic understanding of divine causality, true contingency in the created order is not incompatible with a purposeful divine providence. Divine causality and created causality radically differ in kind and not only in degree. Thus, even the outcome of a truly contingent natural process can nonetheless fall within God's providential plan for creation." (International Theological Commission, 2004)
Exactly right. As Aquinas had recognised nearly 800 years ago, finding a natural cause (even a "truly contingent" one such as evolution) for a phenomenon doesn't take God out of the picture. In fact, to people of faith, scientific explanations of nature only increase our admiration for His work.
The same applies to evolution. Far from reducing humanity to the random result of pointless molecular collisions, evolution unites us with every living being in a fabric of life and change in which our emergence, and the continuing creative power of our universe, is the product of the Creator's will and love. There is indeed a design to life - and the name of that design is evolution. Look deeply enough, and I am sure that the Holy Father and his students will come to the same conclusion
補足しておくと、科学の原則に方法論的自然主義がある。これは「一般に超自然とされる現象や仮説が必ずしも存在しないあるいは間違っていると主張しない。超自然が、自然現象や仮説と本質的に異ならず、あらゆる現象や仮説が同一の方法によって研究できると主張する。探求や調査のいかなる方法あるいは知識を得るいかなる方法であっても、それを自然と物理と物質的アプローチと説明に限定するものを、自然主義と呼ぶ。」 この原則に従って、科学は超越的な神の存在を肯定も否定もしない。
- wiki: Philosophical naturalism
- 忘却からの帰還: 方法論的自然主義 on wiki
- Nick Matzke: On the Origins of Methodological Naturalism
- 忘却からの帰還: 方法論的自然主義
- 忘却からの帰還: 方法論的自然主義の拒絶に転換した?インテリジェントデザイン