

Daniel C DennetのWashington Post - On Faithの不定期連載で、こんなのが...
Q: Many have criticized Pat Robertson's suggestion that the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti was the work of the devil or a form of divine punishment. But if one believes God is good and intervenes in the world, why does God allow innocents to suffer? What is the best scriptural text or explanation of that problem you've ever read?

ハイチ大地震は悪魔の仕業か、神による懲罰だというPat Robertsonを多くの人が批判しています。しかし、もし神が良きものであり、世界に介入しているなら、神はなぜ罪なき人が苦しみのを見て見ぬふりをしているのでしょうか?聖書の記述や説明で、もっとも良く説明しているものは何でしょうか?

One of the striking differences between modern, "organized" religion and tribal or folk religions--religions without seminaries and theologians and official books--is that in tribal religions they have no double standard! They thank their gods for the good stuff that happens and blame them for the bad. The idea that God is a worthy recipient of our gratitude for the blessings of life but should not be held accountable for the disasters is a transparently disingenuous innovation of the theologians. And of course it doesn't work all that well. The Problem of Evil, capital letters and all, is the central enigma confronting theists. There is no solution. Isn't that obvious? All the holy texts and interpretations that contrive ways of getting around the problem read like the fine print in a fraudulent contract--and for the same reason: they are desperate attempts to conceal the implications of the double standard they have invented.


[DANIEL C. DENNETT: "Problem of evil and religion's double standard" (2010/01/19) on Washington Post - On Faith]

posted by Kumicit at 2010/01/26 07:45 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Skeptic | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


懐疑主義とは何か by Brian Dunning

たまたま、Dr. Tara C Smithのエントリで、とてもよい懐疑論の定義をしているBrian Dunningを知った:

Brian Dunning: "What Is Skepticism?"

To quote Dr. Shermer: Skepticism is not a position; it's a process.






そのBrian Dunningがニセ科学者とディベートすべきでない理由を今年8月のエントリで書いている:
[Brian Dunning: "Should Science Debate Pseudoscience?" (2009/08/18) on Skeptoid]

There's another unfortunate reality about debates, and that's the dirty little not-so-secret that everyone who attends a debate has typically already made up their mind, and has been invited to attend by one side or the other. They are huge proponents of their side, and neither debater has much hope of changing the minds of anyone in the room. Most debates probably have a handful of attendees who are open to actually learning something, but they are an extreme minority. If you've ever attended a debate of any kind, you know what I'm talking about.


When you advertise a debate, maybe 1,000 people will attend. And let's say you do a smashing job and manage to convince that entire handful of convincable attendees that science is real. Great, you won over five people. But what you're forgetting is that for those 1,000 attendees, there are 5,000 people out there who heard about the debate (they saw the ads or flyers or whatever) who did not attend. What you unintentionally communicated to those 5,000 people is that your scientific discipline is academically comparable to the pseudoscientific version, and that both are equally valid. The fact that the debate exists at all struck a blow to the public's perception of the credibility of science that far outweighs any progress you may have made in the room.


[Brian Dunning: "Should Science Debate Pseudoscience?" (2009/08/18) on Skeptoid]
It has been argued that scientists have a huge advantage in debates because we have the facts on our side. Well, so we do, but that's not an advantage at all. Rather, it's a limitation. The audience members who are not scientists can rarely discriminate between facts and pseudofacts. The pseudoscientist has an unlimited supply of sources and claims and validations. He can say whatever he wants. If compelling rhetoric would benefit from any given argument, he can always make that argument. Pseudosciences have typically been designed around compelling rhetorical arguments. The facts of science, on the other hand, rarely happen to coincide with the best possible logic argument. Having the facts on your side is not an advantage, it's a limitation; and it's a limitation that's very dangerous to the cause of science should you throw it onto the debate floor.



[Brian Dunning: "Should Science Debate Pseudoscience?" (2009/08/18) on Skeptoid]
ディベートに勝利することに特化した創造論者Duane Tolbert Gish[1921-]はBrian Dunningの説明するニセ科学側の典型例。さすがに88歳なので、もう現役ではないけれど、創造科学を理科の授業で教えることに対して違憲判決が確定する頃までは強力に活躍していたようだ。

インテリジェントデザイン運動では、創始者Phillip Johnsonが脳卒中の後遺症で議論や講演ができなくなったため、主としてDr. Stephen Meyerがこの役割を担っている(Dr. William Dembskiは真摯な味方を誤爆したり、SETIとのアナロジーを勢いで投げ捨てだりするなど、現場で自爆の危険性があるため、ディベート要員になっていないもよう)。

で、そのような戦闘要員とディベートして勝利しても、ニセ科学に通常科学と対等の立場を与えるだけという、Brian Dunningの主張はおそらく正しい。

これは、今は亡き、Stephen Jay Gouldの主張でもあり、何かと意見を戦わせていたRichard Dawkinsも同意していた。そのことについて、Richard Dawkinsは2006年にあらためて記述している:

==>Richard Dawkins: "Why I Won't Debate Creationists" (2006/05/15) on RichardDawkins.net

posted by Kumicit at 2009/10/26 00:03 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(1) | Skeptic | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



米国の進化論教育を守るNatioanl Center for Science Educationが、冗談プロジェクト"Project Steve Steve"の1000名達成記念のTシャツを出した
Kilosteve t-shirts now available (2009/10/15)

At last, the latest iteration of NCSE's pioneering experimental steveometry apparatus — the Project Steve t-shirt — is available for order! The names of the first 1099 signatories to Project Steve are printed in white on a quality cotton/poly black t-shirt, along with the slogan, "Over 1000 scientists named Steve agree. Teach Evolution!" For Steves, Stephanies, and anyone who supports the teaching of evolution and likes t-shirts. Sizes run from medium to extra-extra-large; the cost is $14, plus 9.75% sales tax for California orders, plus shipping. Visit the NCSE store to order.

遂に、NCSEのパイオニア実験的steve計量の最新装置 Project Steve Tシャツ発売。Project Steveの1099番目までの署名者の名前がコットン/ポリの黒地のTシャルに白字でスローガンとともにプリント。"名前がSteveな科学者1000名以上が賛成。進化論を教えよう。" SteveたちとStephanieたちと、進化論教育を支持する人と、Tシャツ好きに。サイズはMからXXLまで。価格は$14で、カリフォルニア州からの注文だと消費税9.75%プラス。注文はNCSEショップで。...


"Project Steve"とは...
[Project Steve (2008/10/17)]

NCSE's "Project Steve" is a tongue-in-cheek parody of a long-standing creationist tradition of amassing lists of "scientists who doubt evolution" or "scientists who dissent from Darwinism."

Creationists draw up these lists to try to convince the public that evolution is somehow being rejected by scientists, that it is a "theory in crisis." Not everyone realizes that this claim is unfounded. NCSE has been asked numerous times to compile a list of thousands of scientists affirming the validity of the theory of evolution. Although we easily could have done so, we have resisted. We did not wish to mislead the public into thinking that scientific issues are decided by who has the longer list of scientists!

Project Steve pokes fun at this practice and, because "Steves" are only about 1% of scientists, it also makes the point that tens of thousands of scientists support evolution. And it honors the late Stephen Jay Gould, evolutionary biologist, NCSE supporter, and friend.

We'd like to think that after Project Steve, we'll have seen the last of bogus "scientists doubting evolution" lists, but it's probably too much to ask. We hope that when such lists are proposed, reporters and other citizens will ask, "How many Steves are on your list!?"

NCSEの"Project Steve"は長年にわたる創造論者の伝統である「進化を疑う科学者」とか「ダーウィニズムに異議を唱える科学者」リストを、おちょくったパロディである。


そこで"Project Steve"はおちょくることにした。"Steve"は科学者のほんの1%を占めるにすぎず、これは何万の科学者が進化理論を支持していることを示す。そして、NCSEの支持者であり、友人であり、進化生物学者である、今は亡きStephen Jay Gouldに敬意を表するものでもある。...
ということで、Panda's Thumbのマスコットキャラも"Professor Steve Steve":
なお、Project SteveはTシャツ発売前に1100名に到達している。
posted by Kumicit at 2009/10/18 00:00 | Comment(2) | TrackBack(0) | Skeptic | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


落とし穴に落ちないために on バークレー進化論教育のページ

バークレーの先生のための進化論理解(Understanding Evolution for Teachers) 落とし穴に落ちない方法(How to Avoid Potential Pitfalls) を訳出した。


なお、翻訳本体は忘却からの帰還 ATWIKIにおいた。
[How to Avoid Potential Pitfalls (落とし穴に落ちない方法)]

Ever wonder if your students left class confused?


It could be that this has happened in the past and it might happen in the future. Sometimes confusion can be a good thing, if it leads to the students working further to find solutions or to think ideas through for themselves. But if confusion leads to a persistent wrong impression, or to a major misconception, you may just have done more damage than good.


What we want to share here are a few areas in which we teachers sometimes cause confusion. This confusion may be imparted quite unintentionally, but nonetheless we are still responsible. Thus, the title of this section is How to Avoid Potential Pitfalls.


posted by Kumicit at 2009/09/27 19:32 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Skeptic | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


PZ Myers準教授の攻撃に対する防御方法を実装した創造論者の世論調査

意味を成さない世論調査であるネット世論調査を見つけて破壊するPZ Myers準教授が、今回は"敗北"した:
This is how to design an online poll to stymie the Pharyngulistas: make sure it makes no sense and limits the options to only unpalatable choices. Go ahead and try and figure this one out…although it does say it is for creationists, and it is for Christians only.


Why Creationist is your favorite?
15% (3) Kent Hovind
5% (1) Ken Ham
36% (7) Both (両方)
42% (8) Neither... someone else (どっちでもなくて、他の誰か)

"Why creationist," indeed.(何故創造論者)

[PZ Myers: "Working towards the perfect pointless poll" (2009/09/03) on Pharyngula]

[Why Creationist]

posted by Kumicit at 2009/09/05 13:02 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Skeptic | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする