

In a move that could benefit over 60,000 homeopaths practising in Maharashtra and one that has invited shock and anger from MBBS doctors and others, the Maharashtra government has given its nod to a proposal to permit homeopaths to prescribe allopathic drugs after they complete a year-long course in pharmacology.

The Indian Medical Association has opposed the decision, threatening to approach the Bombay High Court and calling it a move to promote quackery.



[Homeopaths can do one-year course, prescribe allopathy drugs: Maha govt (2014/01/10) on FirstPost]
"Most hospitals face an acute shortage of MBBS doctors and have to recruite ayurveda practitioners and homeopaths. The bridge course on pharmacology will upgrade doctors' skills," said Bomi Bhote, chief executive officer (CEO) of Ruby Hall Clinic.

Senior surgeon Dhananjay Kelkar, medical director of Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, said after the year- long training in pharmacology, these doctors will do well in general practice. "They are covered by the consumer protection law. It is a sensible step," he added.

「大半の病院が通常医師不足に直面して、ホメオパスやアーユルヴェーダ療法師を採用せざるを得なくなっている。薬学のブリッジコースは、これらの医師のスキル向上させるものだ」と、Ruby Hall ClinicのCEOであるBomi Bhoteは述べている。

Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospitalの上級外科医で医療ディレクタであるDhananjay Kelkarは、「一年間の薬学トレーニング後は、これらの医師たちは一般医療行為をうまくできるだろう。これらの行為は消費者保護法の対象である。公的監督下にある」と述べた。

[Umesh Isalkar: "Opening doors for homeopaths makes sense to some medicos" (2014/01/11) on Times of India]
posted by Kumicit at 2014/01/11 17:54 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Colorado officials are considering tightening the rules for vaccinations, and may make it more difficult for parents to claim religious exemptions for their kids. Right now, opting out of inoculation is typically as easy as filling out a form. But if health officials approve the new policy, parents who want to exempt their kids from vaccine requirements for non-medical reasons will need to receive more education on the benefits and risks of vaccination first.

The state’s health department is considering the rule change in light of recent outbreaks of infectious diseases, like whooping cough and measles, that have been linked to vaccine denial. Federal officials have repeatedly warned parents that failing to vaccinate their kids leaves them vulnerable to contracting these illnesses, which have been on the rise lately.



2012-13学校年度において、予防接種をしなかった幼稚園の比率 (白色<1.0% ..... 赤茶色≧6.0%)
[A Booster Shot for Vaccines (2014/01/05) on Washington Post]

Other states with high vaccination refusal rates, like Oregon and Washington, have also made it more difficult for parents to opt their kids out of vaccines.


[TARA CULP-RESSLER:"Colorado May Become The Latest State To Crack Down On Vaccine Denialism" (2014/01/06) on ThinkProgress]

posted by Kumicit at 2014/01/11 17:26 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



2011年に、コロラドの61歳の女性が、乳癌の代替療法として塩化セシウムサプリを一年間毎日服用し、さらに乳房のしこりに塩化セシウム液を注射した後、死亡した。その症例報告が論文誌Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicineに掲載された。
The 61-year-old woman had been taking cesium supplements daily for a year as a treatment for breast cancer, but it was a single injection of cesium chloride liquid into a lump in her right breast that is likely what ultimately proved fatal, the report said.

The woman had been following the advice of a nutritionist, who had recommended cesium chloride to help shrink her breast tumor.

Cesium chloride is an alternative treatment that "supposedly increases the pH level of cancer cells to kill them, while not altering the pH of healthy cells," said study author Dr. Daniel Sessions, who was a medical toxicology fellow at the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center in Denver and was involved in the case. (A cell's pH is a measure of how acidic or basic its internal environment is.)

However, this theory of how cesium chloride works "has not been scientifically proven to be true," Sessions said.


「塩化セシウムは『癌細胞のpHレベルを上げるが、健康な細胞のpHに影響せず、癌細胞を殺す』と称する代替療法である。ただし、塩化セシウムの働きについて、科学的に正しいと証明されていない」と、研究の著者であり、本症例に関わったDenverのRocky Mountain Poison and Drug Centerの医療毒物学フェローのDr. Daniel Sessionsは述べた。

According to a review of alternative treatments on the American Cancer Society's website, the "available scientific evidence does not support the claim that the pH inside a cancer cell is any different than that of a normal cell, or that cancer cells are more susceptible to toxic effects of high pH."

Cesium chloride is available in both an oral supplement and a liquid form, and it's found in stores that sell dietary supplements as well as online. Some alternative medicine practitioners who promote the treatment's use for cancer also refer to it as "high pH therapy."

The case report appeared in the December issue of The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

American Cancer Societyの代替医療レビューサイトによれば、「癌細胞内のpHは、健康な細胞のpHと何等かの違いがある、あるいは癌細胞が高いpHの毒性の影響を受けやすいという主張を、現在利用可能な科学的証拠は支持していない」


[Cari Nierenberg: "Woman's Death Linked to Alternative Cancer Treatment" (2014/01/01) on LiveScience]
The night before the Colorado woman was rushed to the emergency room, her husband had injected a solution of cesium chloride into her breast lump, according to the case report. Not long after this injection -- the first one she had received -- she started to feel sick.

Her family told doctors she collapsed the next day at home apparently after suffering a heart attack. They performed CPR, but she remained unconscious, so they brought her to the emergency room.


She had no prior history of heart disease, but had been taking several dietary supplements during the past year to treat a breast lump she had discovered, which a physician had counseled her was likely cancerous. But she had refused to undergo a biopsy to make a definitive diagnosis of breast cancer, and had not been seen by a physician for further treatment in more than a year, Sessions said.

While in the hospital, doctors examined the woman and agreed that the tumor on her right breast was cancerous and had spread to her lymph nodes, Sessions said.

In addition to taking cesium chloride supplements daily, she was supplementing with selenium, potassium, vitamin D, silymarin, folic acid and a multivitamin.

Ten days after she arrived at the hospital in August 2011, the woman died.





Several factors contributed to her death, Sessions said. She had abnormally high cesium levels in her blood, because she had been taking the oral supplements for many months. Her symptoms after receiving the cesium chloride injection suggest that it was the most likely cause of her rapidly declining health, Sessions said.


[Cari Nierenberg: "Woman's Death Linked to Alternative Cancer Treatment" (2014/01/01) on LiveScience]

High cesium levels can be dangerous because the metal can cause an abnormal heart rhythm. In the woman's case, cesium is what undoubtedly led to the woman's cardiac arrest and failure to regain consciousness, Sessions said.

Other cases of using cesium chloride as an alternative cancer treatment have also involved serious side effects, such as life-threatening heart rhythm problems, loss of consciousness, seizures and electrolyte imbalances involving sodium and potassium.

Sessions said that complementary and alternative medicine therapies have a place in the treatment of disease, however, supplements "should not be thought of as benign or harmless."

Sessions said dozens of cancer patients around the world have died from the use of cesium chloride or cesium carbonate as a treatment. In most of these cases, the patients were orally taking supplements, or using the metal intravenously, he said.

"This was a unique case because the patient injected cesium chloride directly into the tumor," Sessions said.

The researchers decided to report the case in a medical journal "to show the danger of this product, in any form," he said.





[Cari Nierenberg: "Woman's Death Linked to Alternative Cancer Treatment" (2014/01/01) on LiveScience]

posted by Kumicit at 2014/01/08 23:03 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


体のランダムなところに鍼を置いて刺さないシャム vs 普通の鍼

「体のランダムなところに鍼を置いて刺さないシャム vs 普通の鍼」で、乳癌治療の副作用を緩和できるか調べたら、有意差は見られなかったという研究が論文掲載された。
Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years − but that doesn't mean it actually works.

A new study published online in the journal Cancer suggests that any relief acupuncture brings may be the result of a placebo effect.

Researchers followed a group of 47 women being treated with aromatase inhibitors, a breast cancer medication that can cause menopause-like side effects (hot flashes, night sweats) as well as joint and muscle pain. Twenty-three of the women received eight weeks of acupuncture; the rest received eight weeks of something called "sham acupuncture," where needles are placed on the skin somewhat randomly − not at traditional acupuncture points − and then not actually inserted.

The result? All of the patients reported that their side effects had improved, especially the severity of their hot flashes.




[Lauren F Friedman: "New Study Exposes Acupuncture As Pseudoscience" (2013/12/26) on SFgate]

[Patient-reported outcomes in women with breast cancer enrolled in a dual-center, double-blind, randomized controlled trial assessing the effect of acupuncture in reducing aromatase inhibitor-induced musculoskeletal symptoms", Cancer, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/cncr.28352.]

BACKGROUND: Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) have been associated with decrements in patient-reported outcomes (PROs). The objective of this study was to assess whether real acupuncture (RA), compared with sham acupuncture (SA), improves PROs in patients with breast cancer who are receiving an adjuvant AI.

METHODS: Postmenopausal women with a stage 0 through III breast cancer who received an AI and had treatment-associated musculoskeletal symptoms were randomized to receive 8 weekly RA versus SA in a dual-center, randomized controlled trial. The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) menopausal symptoms questionnaire, the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CESD) scale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the hot flash daily diary, the Hot Flash-Related Daily Interference Scale (HFRDI), and the European quality-of-life survey (EuroQol) were used to assess PROs at baseline and at 4weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks.

RESULTS: The intention-to-treat analysis included 23 patients in the RA arm and 24 patients in the SA arm. There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics between the 2 groups. Compared with baseline, scores in the RA arm improved significantly at week 8 on the CESD (P = .022), hot flash severity (P = .006), hot flash frequency (P = .011), the HFRDI (P = .014), and NSABP menopausal symptoms (P = .022); scores in the SA arm improved significantly on the EuroQol (P = .022),the HFRDI (P = .043), and NSABP menopausal symptoms (P = .005). Post-hoc analysis indicated that African American patients (n = 9) benefited more from RA than SA compared with non-African American patients (n = 38) in reducing hot flash severity (P < .001) and frequency (P < .001) scores.

CONCLUSIONS: Both RA and SA were associated with improvement in PROs among patients with breast cancer who were receiving AIs, and no significant difference was detected between arms. Racial differences in response to acupuncture warrant further study




同様の研究としては、鍼治療の効果を調べるために、単盲検でリアル鍼・Streitbergerのプラセボ鍼・電気刺激による模擬を比較した研究[White et al, 2011]があった。このときは、この3つの間に、有意差はなかった。

posted by Kumicit at 2013/12/27 22:31 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced today that on Dec. 4, 2013, a Livingston, Mont., dietary supplement maker was found in civil contempt of court for repeatedly violating the terms of a consent decree of permanent injunction that resolved a 2010 civil case against the company and its owner.

Federal judge Sam E. Haddon of the District of Montana found that Toby McAdam, owner of Risingsun Health, continued to violate a November 2010 consent decree that barred the company from developing and selling topical bloodroot and graviola products, new drugs, new animal drugs and dietary supplements in violation of the law.

米国食品医薬品局(FDA)は本日、 2013年12月4日に、モンタナ州リビングストンのサプリメント製造業者が、企業とその所有者に対する2010年民事訴訟を解決する終局的差止命令同意判決の規約に繰り返しに違反したとして、民事法廷侮辱罪判決を出した。

モンタナ州地方裁判所地区の連邦判事Sam E. Haddonは、Risingsun HealthのオーナーであるToby McAdamが、違法なブラッドルート及びgraviola製品・新薬・動物新薬・サプリメントの製造販売を禁じた2010年11月同意判決に違反し続けたと、判断した。

The U.S. Department of Justice initiated the case against Risingsun Health and McAdam on behalf of the FDA in February 2010, in response to the advertisement and sale of unapproved drugs that claimed to treat cancer on various Risingsun Health websites. In November 2010, the court entered a consent decree that resolved the case. In February 2013, the United States sought an order of civil contempt because McAdam and his company continued to manufacture and distribute products, including bloodroot-containing products, in violation of the consent decree, despite receiving several letters from the FDA about the violative conduct. A hearing on the government’s contempt motion was completed on Oct. 21, 2013.

In addition to finding McAdam in contempt, Judge Haddon’s order requires McAdam to cease selling dietary supplements and new drugs, and to pay both $80,000 in liquidated damages and $4,936.48 in attorneys’ fees.

米国司法省は、Risingsun HealthとMcAdamが多様なRisingsun Healthのウェブサイト上で癌を治療すると主張する未承認薬の広告及び販売を行ったことを受けて、 2010年2月にFDAに代わってRisingsun HealthとMcAdamに対する訴訟を開始した。 2010年11月に、裁判所は訴訟を解決する同意判決を出した。FDAから複数の手紙を受け取ったにもかかわらず、同意判決に違反して、McAdamと彼の会社はブラッドルート含有製品を含め、これらの製品を製造配布し続けているため、2013年2月に米国は、McAdamと彼の会社による同意判決違反行為について民事侮辱罪判決を求めた。政府の侮辱訴訟に関する審理は2013年10月21日に完了した。

Sam E. Haddon裁判官は、McAdamに対して民事侮辱罪判決を出すとともに、サプリメント及ぶ薬の販売を中止し、損害賠償8万ドルと弁護士費用4,936ドル48セントを支払うことをMcAdamに命じた。

[FDA NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release: Dec. 19, 2013]
この判決を受けたRisingsun Healthは....

We apologize inconvenience, but we are designing our web site to comply with the FDA. The compliance will be resolved shortly. Until this is resolved, you will not be able yo order product on line.

[Rigibgsun Health]
posted by Kumicit at 2013/12/20 08:14 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする