An analysis authored by epidemiologist William Finkle and researchers at UCLA of insurance claims for more than 55,000 men looked at the rate of heart attacks within 90 days of starting testosterone. In men 65 and older, the risk more than doubled. In men younger than 65, with a history of heart disease, the risk almost tripled.
Testosterone treatment is approved by the Food and Drug Administration only for conditions linked with so-called "low T" - documented low testosterone levels. But many men without low T are being treated for a variety of symptoms such as fatigue and diminished libido. A study earlier this month found 43 percent of men receiving the hormone had a normal level.
"We don't know very much about this therapy," said Dr. Steve Nissen, a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic. "What's going on is a giant experiment with American men's health at stake because we don't have the long-term data on the safety of these products."
One possible way testosterone might be causing problems is by increasing clotting within arteries supplying the heart. The FDA said that right now heart attack is not on the warning label and that the agency is reviewing today's study.
UCLAの疫学者William Finkleと研究者たちは、55000人以上の男性の保険金請求の分析で、テストステロン使用開始から90日以内の心臓発作を調べた。65歳以上の男性では、リスクが2倍以上になっていた。65未満の男性で、心臓の病歴がある場合、リスクはほぼ3倍になっていた。
テストステロン治療は、いわゆる"low T"すなわち文書化された低テストステロンに関連した症状についてのみ、FDAに認可された治療法である。しかし、"low T"ではない多くの男性の、疲労や性欲減退など様々な症状の治療にテストステロンが使われている。今月初めに発表された研究によれば、テストステロン治療を受けている男性の43%は、テストステロンのレベルは正常だった。
Cleveland ClinicのDr Steve Nissenによれば「我々のこの治療法について多くを知らない。これらの製品についての長期的安全性のデータがないので、米国の男性の健康を危機にさらして、大規模な実験を進めているようなものである。」
[ONATHAN LAPOOK: "Testosterone supplements linked to heart attacks in new study" (2014/01/29) on CBS NEWS]
Across Texas, Arkansas and Indiana, Slate reports, about 17,000 students in publicly funded Responsive Education Solutions charter schools are given textbooks that put creationism in the classroom on the sly. The Supreme Court ruled creationism unconstitutional, and a federal court judge equated so-called intelligent design with creationism and declared it unconstitutional.この動きに参加する人々の重複はほとんどないかもしれないが、両者には共通するものがある。
And the Council on Foreign Relations adds its data to frightening findings that in parts of North America and Europe where parents are refusing to immunize their children, childhood diseases that vaccinations all but wiped out two generations ago are sickening and killing children again, in no small part because so many parents are rejecting more than 150 years of scientific proof that vaccines work.
[ "What creationists and anti-vaxxers have in common" (2014/01/23) on LA times]
They are about refusing to acknowledge the facts in evidence, to the detriment not only of themselves but of others. There are undoubtedly creationist parents who vaccinate their children, and anti-vaccinator parents who wouldn’t question the truth of evolution. But they have this in common. The consequences of their beliefs reach beyond their own sphere of believers. These are public schools, and this is public health.そして、創造論者たちは、これまでに見てきたように、反進化論州法という「民主的な形」で、法的に自らの主張を実現しようとしてしてきた(時に成功して、進化論教育の禁止や、創造科学の等時間教育を一時的に実現した)。同様に反ワクチン運動も、州レベルで法的にオプトアウトする権利を確保してきた。
[ "What creationists and anti-vaxxers have in common" (2014/01/23) on LA times]
ホメオパシーについて英国人が考えていること by Edzard Ernst
昨日取り上げた補完代替医療について英国人の考え方についてのStoneman et al 2013の研究について、Edzard Ernstが自分たちの結果とかなり異なっていると述べている。
Perhaps because they are more up-to-date, these findings are considerably different from our own results obtained from the Health Survey for England 2005. We used data of all 7630 respondents and showed that lifetime and 12-month prevalence of AM-use were 44.0% and 26.3% respectively; 12.1% had consulted a practitioner in the preceding 12 months. Massage, aromatherapy and acupuncture were the most commonly used therapies. Twenty-nine percent of respondents taking prescription drugs had used AM in the last 12 months. Women, university educated respondents, those suffering from anxiety or depression, people with poorer mental health and lower levels of perceived social support, people consuming ≥ 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day were significantly more likely to use AM.Edzard Ernstたちの調査結果では、ホメオパシーを効くと信じて使っている人々は、全体の3%である。それくらい少ないので、Stoneman et al 2013の研究でも、「通常医療不支持・代替補完医療支持」が統計的に見えなかったと考えることができて、Edzard Ernstが言うほど違った結果ではないかもしれない。
In the new survey, a quarter of those not using homeopathy said this was because they had never heard of it; a third because they had never been advised to use it and/or that they’d never had an illness that required it; and 3% said it was because homeopathic remedies were too expensive. About a quarter of non-users said that they avoided homeopathy because they didn’t believe that it worked, or that conventional medicine worked better.
Of the homeopathy-users, 49% said they were “willing to try anything and didn’t think it could do any harm”. Only 16% claimed to use it because they believed it worked better than conventional medicine. This means that only around 3% of the population have used homeopathy because of a belief that it works where conventional medicine doesn’t. The rest either have not used it, or used it for other reasons.
彼らのデータが新しいからなのか、我々がHealth Survey for England 2005から得た結果とはかなり違っている。我々が使った7630名のデータでは、生涯及び過去12か月の代替医療使用が44.0%及び26.3%であり、過去12か月に医師の診断を受けたのは12.1%だった。マッサージやあろアセラピーや鍼は、最も使われている療法である。処方薬を使っている回答者のうち、29%が過去1か月に代替医療を使ったことがあった。女性、大学卒の回答者、不安や抑鬱の人々、精神衛生が良くなく社会的サポートも低レベルの人々、1日5個以上の果実や野菜を食べている人々は、有意に代替医療を使っていた。
[Edzard Ernst: "What Brits really think about homeopathy" (2014/01/14)]
Yet while binary opposition between support for homeopathy (and other complementary and alternative (CAM) treatments) is how public debate is framed, it is far from clear that the public thinks and does the same.英国では、過半数は代替補完医療を使っていない。また、最も使われている代替補完医療はハーブで、ホメオパシーはそれより少ない。ただし、英語圏では漢方薬をハーブに分類している。
In research we carried out using the Wellcome Monitor Survey, we interviewed a random sample of 1179 UK adults aged over 18 about homeopathy and other CAM. We also wanted to know why some people chose or not to use these treatments.
Wellcome Monitor Surveyを使った我々の研究では、18歳以上の英国人1179名に、ホメオパシーや代替補完医療について質問した。我々は、人々が何故これらの治療法を選択するのか、あるいは選択しないのか知ろうとした。
[What does the public really think about homeopathy? (2014/01/13) on TheConvesation]
To explore this further, we used a statistical modelling technique called latent class analysis, which helps identify groups of persons that are similar to each other in their profile of survey responses. We selected questions for analysis based on the key dimensions of public debate: the importance of science education, belief in the effectiveness of homeopathy, use of CAM, trust in medical doctors and optimism about medical advances in general.二項対立ではなく、「通常医療支持・代替補完医療不支持」「通常医療支持・代替補完医療支持」「通常医療不支持・代替補完医療不支持」の3集団があるように統計的には見えていることは興味深い。また「通常医療不支持・代替補完医療支持」という集団はあっても少数のようで、統計的には姿が見えない。
さらに深堀するために、調査回答プロファイルの類似した人々の集団を特定することに役立つ、Latent Class Analysisと呼ばれる統計モデルテクニックを使った。科学教育の重要性、ホメオパシーの効果についての信条、代替補完医療の利用、通常医師への信頼、医学の発展への楽観性という、人々の議論の主要な軸に基づいて、分析の質問項目を選定した。
We found that we could split the public into three groups. The first, who we called the “disaffected”, comprise just under 30%. They are generally pessimistic about medicine, don’t see the value of science education and don’t believe in the efficacy of homeopathy either.
A second “conventional” group, accounting for just over 30% of citizens, are likely to be supportive and trusting of conventional medicine, reject CAM and value science education.
The third and largest group (just over 40% of the population) is the most interesting. This group is likely to have used CAM and to think that homeopathy is effective. Yet they are overwhelmingly trusting of medical doctors, value science education and are optimistic about medical advances. We call this group the “dissonants” (although they are unlikely to call themselves that).
[What does the public really think about homeopathy? (2014/01/13) on TheConvesation]
[Paul Stoneman: et al"Incommensurable Worldviews? Is Public Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicines Incompatible with Support for Science and Conventional Medicine?, PLOSONE 2013]
Meanwhile, not all homeopaths are happy with the Cabinet decision. They believe homeopaths will lose their distinctive edge if they start following allopathy. "It is definitely the darkest period in a real homeopath's life. Soon my science will become extinct, thanks to the unfortunate decision," said homeopath Dr Shreepad Khedekar.最初に起きることは、通常医療機関の通常医師不足を補うために、ホメオパスが通常医療の補助業務をすることを追認することだろう。そして、元々のホメオパス側の要望だった、近隣に通常医療機関のない場所で開業しているホメオパスが緊急時に一般医として機能するかもしれない。
一方、内閣の決定をすべてのホメオパスが歓迎しているわけではない。彼らは、通常医療に従い始めると、ホメオパスは際立った強みを失うと考えている。「現実のホメオパス人生のまったくの暗黒期だ。この不幸な決定で、私の科学は滅びてしまう」と、ホメオパスDr Shreepad Khedekarは述べた。
[ (2014/01/11) on Times of India via Doubtful News]