This is NOT a real thing. As Snopes points out, it’s a satire piece created by “This Is That” a podcast produced by CBC. The satire was lost on many people as it was shared unscrupulously on social media. In fact, Lana Newstrom doesn’t even exist.
So, given that if anything Lana Newstrom’s art is a bit staid and behind the times, it is not so strange that people were fooled by the hoax. On the other hand, what they took from it is revealing. It shows how much we hate the rich. ... If only it were. I want to see those rich art snobs suffer, too. But not only is this story a hoax – it also appears to be untrue that collectors will pay a fortune for the non-existent. For when Christie’s tried to auction Creed’s Work No 127: The Lights Going On and Off for £70,000 earlier this year it did not sell.
Ishita Srivastava, producer of the video, says she was surprised how successful the satire was at making people "almost believe" the Deport the Statue campaign. It's a fine example of Poe's Law, which holds that on the Internet, it can be impossible to tell the difference between sincere extremism and a parody of extremism.
Even so, most people on Twitter get the joke, with one user joking, "Ship her back to France before she has an anchor baby."
Srivastava produced the video for human rights organization Breakthrough, which aims to "break through" the immigration debate with humor.
On the hand, he said, Allied Intelligence must have know of the atomic project at Konan, because of the perfect timing of the Hiroshimo bombing only six days before the long-scheduled Japanese naval test.
Perhaps here is the answer to moralists who question the decision of the United States to drop an atomic bomb.
1947년 연합군사령부 정보 보고서는 놀라운 내용이 들어있다. 1945년 8월 12일 흥남 앞바다에서 섬광과 버섯구름을 동반한 폭발이 있었으며 천 야드 정도 되는 직경의 불덩이가 하늘로 솟았다는 것이다. 섬광과 버섯구름은 바로 원폭실험의 가장 유력한 징표이고 다른 무기는 버섯구름이 불가능했기 때문에 이 보고서는 상당한 논란을 증폭시켜왔다.
8월 12일은 바로 히로시마, 나가사키에 원폭을 맞은 직후여서, 일본이 흥남의 원폭실험 때문에 항복을 늦추고 있었다는 의혹을 낳았다.
또한 일본은 원폭개발에 성공했다면 인간어뢰, 풍선폭탄, 잠수함 등에 원폭을 탑재해 가미가제식으로 미국을 공격하려는 계획을 세웠다. 첫 목표는 하와이였고, 최종 목표는 미국 본토였다.
Many modern researchers find fault with Wakabayashi's claims including Walter E. Grunden who compared the American plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee (93 square miles with 82,000 personnel all dedicated to the production of U-235) to Hamheung, a mere 15 square miles, which at its peak probably had about 45,000 personnel, many of them ``Korean laborers, conscripted students, convicts, and prisoners of war,'' who were primarily involved in ``manufacturing synthetic fuel, explosives, and industrial chemicals.'' Grunden also claims that there were only five buildings in Hamheung that the United States was unsure of their purpose.
多くの現代研究家たちが、Wakabayashiの主張に誤りを見出している。Walter E. Grunden は、テネシー州Oak Ridgeの米国のプラント(93平方マイル、ウラン235製造を専門とする要員82000人)とHamheungを比較しており、それによれば、わずか15平方マイルで、最大要員45000人で、その多くは「朝鮮人労働者、学徒動員、囚人、捕虜」であり、主として「合成燃料や爆薬や工業化学製品の製造」に従事していた。Grundenは、米国が用途を特定できなかったHamheungの建屋はわずか5つだったと主張している。 ... Gruden asserted that stories such as this, once they have become historical myths are almost impossible to dispel and suggested that the allegations of Japan's testing of the bomb in Hamheung was, as Snell had concluded, ``…the answer to moralists who question the decision of the United States to drop an atomic bomb.''
この情報は、米国の核兵器独占は長くは続かないだろうというスターリンの最近の演説に光を投げかけるかもしれない。おそらく、Henry A. Wallaceのとった立場を説明することになるかもしれない。また、おそらく、連合国が裕仁を傀儡君主として存続させることに同意するという、我々の提示した降伏条件の受入に日本が急に躊躇したという、これまで説明がつかなかった事態の説明になるかもしれない。そして、おそらく、我が軍のB-29を1945年8月29日に興南(Hungnam)地域でソ連が撃墜した事件にも、新たな光を投げかけることになるかもしれない。
パイロットである、ケンタッキー州AshlandのJose H. Queen中尉は空港が小さいことを理由に拒否し、「ソ連軍と事を構えたとき」にSaipon基地へと帰還しようと回頭した。海外から10マイル沖合で、Yak戦闘機は攻撃を開始し、B-29を撃墜した。12人の乗員に怪我はなかった。ソ連軍機一機が通信士Douglas Arthurを機銃掃射したが、はずした。
ルイジアナ州Minden生まれのSnellは、米国陸軍入隊の直前に、MariettaにあるAtlanta Constitutionの報道局に配属された。陸軍入隊中に、Snellは米国内での訓練中も、朝鮮占領軍として赴任中も、多くの記事をAtlanta Constitutionに掲載した。朝鮮からの記事のひとつが、「米国司教協議会を代表して、布教活動再開のために教会の状況を視察して、中国・日本・朝鮮を歴訪した」AtlantaqのArthur J. Moore司教のインタビューだった。
Massachusetts Institute of Technology学長のDr. Carl T. Comptonは昨年、連邦上院委員会で「日本は原爆を開発しようとしたが、2つの理由で失敗した。ひとつは日本の物理学者たちが誤った結論に到達していたこと。もう一つはB-29の爆撃で、実験が行われていた施設が破壊されたことだ」と証言していた。