[Creation Wiki: Dinosaur extinction(恐竜の滅亡)]
Human Causation (人類要因)
If indeed the dinosaurs went extinct since the global flood, then some other force was involved with their demise. Given the proclivity of humans to cause harm or death to plants and animals, they should not be overlooked as a possible explanation. Most, if not all, organism extinctions since humans began to keep records were either directly or indirectly due to human causation.
Humans have a natural instinct to kill any animal that possesses a threatening imposition. Historically, reptiles of any significant size have been automatically and immediately killed when in the proximity of human habitats. Large reptiles the size of dinosaur would certainly be perceived as a threat and hunted-down by humans possessing hunting capabilities. It should be noted that we use "Dinosaur" in reference to a group of large reptilian animals as did the term dragon in ancient civilizations. However, historical accounts of these dinosaur-sized animals are being dismissed as mythological because such creature are presumed to have gone extinct millions of years before man walked the Earth.
Portion of the Nile Mosaic of Palestrina showing humans hunting dinosaurs. Circa 100 BC.
Creation science posits that dinosaurs lived in harmony with other animals, (probably including in the Garden of Eden) eating only plants; that pairs of each dinosaur kind were taken onto Noah's Ark during the Great Flood and were preserved from drowning; that many of the fossilized dinosaur bones originated during the mass killing of the Flood; and that possibly some descendants of those dinosaurs taken aboard the Ark are still around today.[7] At least 300 distinct genera of dinosaur have been identified.
[7] Robert Doolan: "Are dinosaurs alive today?"
From China there were claims that more than 1,000 people had seen a dinosaur-like monster in two sightings around Sayram Lake in Xinjiang.
From Scotland came the latest Loch Ness monster sighting: Mrs Edna MacInnes reported on June 24 that she had seen a 15-metre-long creature with a neck like a giraffe in Loch Ness.
Yet fresh, unfossilized dinosaur bones have been found. In 1987, a young Inuit (Canadian Eskimo), working with scientists from Memorial University, Newfoundland (Canada), on Bylot Island, found a bone which was identified as part of a lower jaw of a duckbill dinosaur.
新疆の塞里木湖の近くで、1000人以上が2つの恐竜のようなモンスターを目撃したという報告が中国にある。スコットランドでは、新たにネス湖のモンスター目撃が報告されている。Mrs Edna MacInnesは1993年6月24日に、キリンのような首を持つ全長15メートルの生物をネス湖で目撃している。
まだ新鮮な、化石化していない恐竜の骨が発見されている。 1987年には、NewfoundlandのMemorial Universityの科学者と働く若いイヌイットが、Bylot Islandでカモノハシ恐竜の下顎の一部として同定された骨を発見した。
posted by Kumicit at 2012/11/20 07:47